Subterranean Apartment Gallery, 2010- 2016
Kansas City, MO
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Designed and constructed by Ayla Rexroth, Subterranean Gallery was a hybrid art gallery and basement apartment in midtown Kansas City. Rexroth's role as a curator artist and hostess was expressed though the continuous modification of her apartment to accommodate the installation of art exhibitions.
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Curb Gallery, 2015
New York, NY
Curb is a mobile gallery that exists inside the drawers of a refurbished mid-century dresser. Inspired by the pervasive use of mid-century modern style furniture in New York galleries and art fairs, the exhibition traveled to the sidewalks outside the doors of New York’s most established galleries and museums, and occupied the sidewalk near the entrances. The Drawers displayed artworks by emerging artists It included video works running on battery packs, museum-like vitrines holding ceramic sculpture and miniature installations.